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Information about mix media in Brownsville, TX

Modern Art in Brownsville, TX

Mixed Media

Among various suitable 2 D format, oil on canvas is for me where I feel at ease to investigate for alternative ways of compositions keeping the media only as a vehicle. I use dot, line and color to convey contrasting forms, shapes and hues into an artistic style of my own creation I like to call "Multidimensionality". My studies and professional experience together with a background in music allows me to spontaneously understand and apply the dynamics of frequency as the energy we find moving and vibrating at different speeds not just in sound or heat waves but also in color as well as in anything known and unknown to us supporting the whole spectrum of life.

Enrique Castanon in his studio
Enrique Castanon in his studio

While exploring the place I live in emotionally, psychologically and spiritually, dreams became the central focus of my attention as an artist intuitively searching to portrait the core and source of our human spirit, of all we are and can be in relationship with nature and the world at large as we transform it along the way with our own existence, passengers in this cosmic dance of life and death, opposites as dark and light are and yet sharing the same space we all often influence each other, albeit unwillingly so, it's in this interaction I and my work nourish and evolve.

I love what I do and my ultimate goal is to be a better artist and person.

Enrique Castanon

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