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Information about art exhibits in New London, CT

Modern Art in New London, CT

Art Exhibits

Enrique Castanon has received acclaim for his paintings from curators, critics and collectors in several countries and continents. His brightly colored works combine figurative and abstract influences with elements of Surrealism, Expressionism and Fauvism, qualities that appeal to viewers of high-end contemporary art.

Yet, the passion, optimism and drama that he infuses into his large paintings set them apart from many contemporary artworks. He cites artistic influences as stemming from works of Kandinsky and Matisse, with lesser influences from Picasso and Leger. He draws inspiration from these artists, then follows his own artistic direction.

Halloween in Hollywood
Halloween in Hollywood

Castanon employs loose, fluid lines that dance and swirl across his canvasses, with themes of animals, faces and cityscapes, in colors that range from pastels to deep blues and mauves. Using thin layers of oils, he portrays worlds that are emotional and action oriented, speaking to our visceral natures. The artist often paints from his subconscious, memories and perceptions of the world around him. He responds in his oils to the people and situations he meets and to their idiosyncrasies.

The Argentinian native has lived and traveled in several countries, and has worked as a professional musician in Europe in the 80's. He says that he uses frequencies of sounds in his paintings. Many of Castanon's pieces combine different emotions to create contrast and drama. His "Halloween in Hollywood" combines sharp outlines with pastels and a haunted face, on which a skyline is superimposed. The emotional, joyous, yet sometimes scary work is a tour de force through the raucous So Cal world. "Get Ready" is two larger-than-life cat faces, in deep mauves and other red-tones, that peer out lovingly yet intensely at the viewer. "Indian Dance" combines a large profile and a smaller face with swirling lines and abstract forms to create the emotional power of native dances. "Panic" is an in-your-face work with a face, again superimposed on a skyline, but with an urban antagonism that is atypical to many of the artist's works. "Urban Chameleon" is more abstract than many of his works, while the swirling dark lines and pastels give the piece a combined warmth and depth.

Enrique Castanon's paintings combine childlike elements with the sophistication of an artist who has studied his craft well. Within that sphere of formalistic training and knowledge of art history, he delves into his inner self to create works that speak to our hearts, souls and dreams.

Liz Goldner
Art critic, Writer

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